Bibliometric Analysis for Beginners
A starter guide to begin with a bibliometric study using Scopus database and tools such as Microsoft Excel, Harzing’s Publish or Perish and VOSviewer.
by Aidi Ahmi
Bibliometric analysis literally means measuring the properties of all kinds of documents, including journal articles, conference proceedings, books, etc. These properties can easily be obtained from academic databases such as Scopus. Unlike other qualitative studies, the bibliometric study required very little effort to get the data before it can be analyzed. If you understand the concept, it will take less than five minutes to obtain the dataset. While this study originally comes from the library and information science field, it has now become popular among scholars regardless of their area of interest. This study is suitable for anyone who wants to explore the current state of the art of literature in any field of study. Analysis can easily be conducted with several freely available tools such as Harzing’s Publish or Perish and VOSviewer. Unlike systematic literature review, content analysis, or meta-analysis studies, bibliometric research does not require you to download or even read the full content of the data to be analyzed. This book is suitable for anyone who wants to write and publish their first paper using bibliometric analysis.
Format: Paperback | 193 pages
Dimensions: 7 x 10 inches
Language: English
ISBN: 978-967-0031-53-8
Price: RM50.00 RM42.50 (Special Discount)
Postage: RM7.40-RM15.90 per copy within Malaysia ONLY
First Edition
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